Thursday Dec 7, 2023
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM CST
9:00-11:00 am - Shopping Chaperones
Wal-Mart, 6625 S. Memorial, Tulsa, OK
9:00 am | Members gather at Wal-Mart in preparation for student bus arrivals
9:15 am | Ryal School buses ETA
Students shop with chaperones, then Wal-Mart hosts juice and cookies
11:00 am | Students board buses for HBA
11:30 am - Pizza Party Servers
Mike Fretz Event Center
HBA, 11545 E. 43 St., Tulsa, OK
11:00 am | Members gather at HBA to prepare for pizza delivery and soft drinks
11:15-11:30 am | Students arrive at HBA
Pizza Party
Santa and Mrs. Claus 12 Days of Christmas skit with teachers
Santa's gift distribution to Ryal students
1:00 pm | Students depart HBA
Volunteer pre-registration required!
Mike Fretz Event Center
HBA, 11545 E. 43 St., Tulsa, OK
Pre-registration required as a shopping chaperone or a pizza party server, or both!
Contact Amaris Burris at 918.663.5820 or to volunteer.
Amaris Burris
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